TEASER - Emily's Diary - Episode 14
6 months ago
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Hey, I'm Pleasuree!
This here is my first project called Emily's Diary: A voiced episodic audio/image series of a girl called Emily who lives alone in the countryside, slowly falling in love with her horses massive cock.
I wanted to try something new in the 3DX (beast) scene by not focusing on immediate action and animations that are straight to the point, but on a story with a slow-burn, but huge gratification. Each Episode will build up on one another and will only get spicier the further we go.
I hope you'll come along for the ride! Emily sure will.
If you want to learn more about the project and it's future, you can read my Q&A:
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Hey, I'm Pleasuree!
This here is my first project called Emily's Diary: A voiced episodic audio/image series of a girl called Emily who lives alone in the countryside, slowly falling in love with her horses massive cock.
I wanted to try something new in the 3DX (beast) scene by not focusing on immediate action and animations that are straight to the point, but on a story with a slow-burn, but huge gratification. Each Episode will build up on one another and will only get spicier the further we go.
I hope you'll come along for the ride! Emily sure will.
If you want to learn more about the project and it's future, you can read my Q&A:
equine cock
blonde hair
voice acting
voice acted
sound effects
original character
big penis
monster dick
animal genitalia
animal penis
blue balls
artificial intelligence
ai voiced
+ | Suggest
marvin cannot get hard, as in rock hard?
the two girls did not even lez out when they were together with a gargantuan cock in front of them, are they too conservative for that?
this has become a pleasant comedy.
>Pleasuree has basically gone completely silent...
and yet they still found time to have some comments deleted from here as their were 41 this past Thursday on here. same goes for X with the replies there echoing many of the same shit here. if you cant handle criticism you dont belong on the internet. and whats up with the new bs log-in trap now required to view the "new" road map? has their been a greater fall from grace in recent times? i was gonna give it this last episode but why? nothing gonna change
- Pleasuree takes much longer to release their work than similar artists. In addition to this, there are plenty of people pointing out that the timeline for releases doesn't even make sense considering how little actual new assets and scenes are added in each episode. Those who are familiar with blender (or other 3D animation applications) along with people who have been consuming similar media for a lot longer than Pleasuree has been around seem to be in full agreement on these issues.
- Pleasuree has basically gone completely silent in public facing social media and on R34 Video. Even if some of the comments are full of vitriol and anger, there are plenty that have calm, reasonable constructive criticisms and complaints. As someone who makes videos for an audience that they hope will eventually subscribe on Substar, it seems really odd to not at least engage at SOME level to make those potential customers feel more at ease and valued. Considering the viewers who initially enjoyed these videos are who allowed Pleasuree to become self-employed, you'd think it would be wise to do whatever you can to keep them around.
- With the amount of money being made monthly on this series, it seems not a single cent of it has gone into improving anything about the content. We still have AI generated voices, minimal animation, similar video length and the exact same models with very minor touch-ups done to them since the beginning. Most people expect their investment in an artist to allow them to either put out art faster or in an increasingly higher quality. None of that has been accomplished.
I'm sure there's more I could say here, but these are the biggest issues most people bring up. I think if even a SINGLE ONE of these were addressed in some way, people would be more willing to give Pleasuree the benefit of the doubt. As it stands now, however we probably won't get any of that with how things have been going.
Pleasuree, if you ever read this, know that there are plenty of people who think you and your story have a ton of potential. We want to see it succeed. All you need to do is be willing to take even a single ounce of criticism and step it up a little bit. You said you met your self-employment goal in Feb, right? I'd really hate to see you have to go back on that, like so many other artists in this space have before you. Think about this, please and understand there are people who want to see you thrive. You just have to accept that you've gone about some things fairly poorly.
1. Stop teasing an “event” happening and taking episodes to get there. Every episode can be a unique milestone and “event” for whatever characters are involved
1. Imply the passage of time in the narrative, instead of literally using episodes as filler. You don’t need 4-5 episodes to get to the. next milestone. Use her “diary” to summarize the events of the last few days/weeks/months. It irritates people when the narrative is being artificially prolonged, which leads me to the next and most important point
3. STOP BLUEBALLING LITERALLY EVERYONE. I think Marvin has ejaculated approximately twice since this series began. In SIXTEEN episodes. People are tired of seeing Marvin’s character get blueballed for episodes at a time. That, in turn, is giving every viewer blue balls. Let the character cum, and frequently. There can still be plenty of story progression, character growth and interesting developments while still letting Marvin have regular release. Let face it, everyone here wants to see a horsecock blow huge loads
Emily is constantly talking about how hot Marvin’s genitals are, and how big and full his balls are, so why isn’t she emptying him out regularly? Literally nobody likes seeing a character left high and dry at their horniest and most vulnerable. There are so many possibilities that can be explored that involve regularly servicing Marvin WHILE you still maintain your story roadmap. Hell, like a side story of milking him dry, because she can sell his cum to other breeders, and Emily can make a lot of money and support herself and lifestyle off the grid. Literally anything, as long as you’re letting the character receive sexual gratification regularly.
I really hope you do read and consider these, and others comments. Nobody wants to see this fail or continue the way it’s going.
and dont listen to these horny fucks. i like what you doing and not coz i want that horse fuck her all way through. I like good story and this is kinda interesting. and art is pretty good.
so thank you :)
You should check out Temptation series from mia3dx, its not bestiality but its crazy good. She does full blown 20 min videos and watching her content I realized just how much artist can do in similar timeframe, and as far as I know she has 9-5 same as this damn guy...Its sad that Pleasuree became a silent milking joke after such a great start he had, or she, I mean we don't even know who the hell it is...fuck it, I just wish he wakes up and gives us something better other than same old rinse and repeat "i tried to put it in my mouth" scenes. There is still so much potential here.
"The ratio shall continue until content improves."
teaser serves as key jangling moment to keep your attention and nothing more and many creators do it to maintain interests. however I imagine with that 'timeskip' of 2 weeks in-story along with that 'throat stretch' line drop, the creator has seen the feedback and is trying to course correct as best they can... that being said if ep14 doesnt deliver something that deviates from the lat few months of wheel spinning and endless (and boring) teasing OR deliver on what the teaser has implied, i suspect not only even more dislikes but a mass exodus in even caring about this going forward
and yet all content is released for free. that momentary support is given as voluntary from those that genuinely want to help creator make more of what they like. though the only thing thats saving this IS the fact its free and given on a consistent basis.
the fact the creator doesnt engage with fans in any measurable way is telling too but i see some comments have been removed from early episodes here and on their X too. i wodner why...
oh wait...
Fingers crossed.
Please don't suck. I have high hopes... So please..don't suck.
This is starting to look like animal abuse because I truly did not see any excitement in Marvin in these last few episodes.
She literally has to try so much to get him hard, while in the first few episodes he got hard as soon as she came close to him.
Marvin seems bored of Emily, and I am too, and why the fuck are you always blocking her mouth from view during BJs? You seem so inexperienced in this, always juggling same scenes and poses, and I honestly don't even understand how you have the support that you have. Also, you are really being a dick to your audience with all this silent treatman...seems that all the money I spent on you was a total fucking waste, glad I unsubscribed though...
my god even the Script is made with AI.