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personality aside, his body is just kinda jarring to look at atp. The drag queen eyebrows are hilarious, the puffy/double chin (despite a really low body fat) is unfortunate, and the scars from gyno surgery is just cherry on top
I just wish he'd embrace the baldness. Bald, instead of that faux hairline would actually be sexy, but what he's doing is...hmm.
Or, he could just go on the game! I'm not sure what he's expecting from a "sugar daddy", but unless said daddy was in an iron lung, then Nick would have to put-out.

The problem with escorting...he'd have to work for it and if his attitude stinks, the reviews will flood in and no one will hire him. I think his attitude is exactly why no one wants to be his sugar daddy now though.

I'm sorry, but he does not look good enough to justify having him sit on the sofa and eat chips all day, while someone does his washing and ironing and chauffeurs him to designer clothes stores, where he can shop with no limit. That really is what he means though, isn't it?
Late to the reply but he lives in FL. SoFL sugar daddies talk (Miami/Ft Laud/The Keys); I was a bartender at a few clubs and the legit rich sugar daddies are the type to relax and let their toys have their fun for the night and then back to work on Monday. And yes, the toys are expected to put out, doesn’t matter if it’s a twink, jock, bodybuilder, or bear. The boytoy is expected to perform (top or bottom), and it seems that Costin’s issue is his attitude.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Sean’s antics have blacklisted him from sugar daddies. He’s hot but crazy
Late to the reply but he lives in FL. SoFL sugar daddies talk (Miami/Ft Laud/The Keys); I was a bartender at a few clubs and the legit rich sugar daddies are the type to relax and let their toys have their fun for the night and then back to work on Monday. And yes, the toys are expected to put out, doesn’t matter if it’s a twink, jock, bodybuilder, or bear. The boytoy is expected to perform (top or bottom), and it seems that Costin’s issue is his attitude.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Sean’s antics have blacklisted him from sugar daddies. He’s hot but crazy
Girl nothing beats a good Florida drama, gay/queer, straight, trans, political, gator in the pool...and etc

I live for it. Live.
Late to the reply but he lives in FL. SoFL sugar daddies talk (Miami/Ft Laud/The Keys); I was a bartender at a few clubs and the legit rich sugar daddies are the type to relax and let their toys have their fun for the night and then back to work on Monday. And yes, the toys are expected to put out, doesn’t matter if it’s a twink, jock, bodybuilder, or bear. The boytoy is expected to perform (top or bottom), and it seems that Costin’s issue is his attitude.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Sean’s antics have blacklisted him from sugar daddies. He’s hot but crazy
Similar thoughts, he is in Florida, the playground of the wealthy, not the backwoods of Alaska. If he was really serious, him just being in certain gyms, bars, clubs would put him in place to find what he is looking for, regardless of his age.
I know that Sean Cody used to pimp their models out to the wealthy. It's how Jarec Wentworth found the sugar daddy he went to prison for extorting and that other guy who tried to fake a will on a napkin.

Twitter and Instagram though...what he needs to do is charm (not his strong point) his way into a fancy party and catch a rich old man's eye.

I just don't see anyone paying for his attitude, which I don't believe he would leave at the door of an "arrangement".
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Haha. His dusty, thirsty ass needs to grow the fuck up. Looks don’t last forever and your “porn star” days are gone. Why would anyone making any figure especially a six digit one, would want to waste their time and money on a man that doesn’t give two flickering fucks about them?!?! Mediocre dick, mediocre personality and basically just a way for him to use men and live out his closeted gay fantasies. Nick/Sean needs to get an actual job and a grip.
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